Category: 1 Market Entry

  • Manufacturer search in Lithuania for an American Hotel Interior Company

    Manufacturer search in Lithuania for an American Hotel Interior Company

    Tick Tock Consulting conducted a Hotel Interior Manufacturer search in Vietnam for Classic Distribution Inc. Classic Distribution started production with one manufacturer after the completion of the project. Classic Distribution is an American company that specialise in interior projects for Hotels, Marriott being one for this project. The company is rapidly growing and due to…

  • Sweden Market Entry for a Lithuanian Loan Management Software Company

    Sweden Market Entry for a Lithuanian Loan Management Software Company

    Tick Tock Consulting identify and introduce Creditonline, a Lithuanian Loan Management Software Company, to potential Banks and Financial Institutions in Sweden.  Creditonline was interested in exploring the potential business opportunities in Sweden. CreditOnline is a future-proof lending technology designed to boost business capacity to auto complete the loan management processes by creating seamless financing experiences…

  • Pharma & Medical Device Market Support

    Pharma & Medical Device Market Support

    Tick Tock Consulting conducts local Market Support in Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand for Pharmacure, a Swedish company developing Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Device. We initially completed a Market Analysis and Distributor Search for Pharmacure. They then saw the need for Tick Tock Consulting’s local Market Support to establish the business relationship with the Distributors and…

  • Manufacturer search in Malaysia and Indonesia for an American Kitchen Cabinet Company

    Manufacturer search in Malaysia and Indonesia for an American Kitchen Cabinet Company

    Tick Tock Consulting conducted a Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer search in Malaysia and Indonesia for RiverRun Cabinetry. River Run Cabinetry is an American company that specializes in the building, assembly, and distribution of beautifully-crafted cabinetry and casework. The company is rapidly growing and as a result of this growth and recent trade restrictions with China, RiverRun…

  • Manufacturer search in Vietnam for an American Kitchen Cabinet Company

    Manufacturer search in Vietnam for an American Kitchen Cabinet Company

    Tick Tock Consulting conducted a Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer search in Vietnam for RiverRun Cabinetry. RiverRun started production with two manufacturers after the completion of the project. River Run Cabinetry is an American company that specializes in the building, assembly, and distribution of beautifully-crafted cabinetry and casework. The company is rapidly growing and as a result…

  • Market Analysis and Distributor Search in Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand for a Security Company

    Market Analysis and Distributor Search in Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand for a Security Company

    Inferno appointed Tick Tock Consulting in January 2017 as the consulting firm to provide support in the Market Entry process with a Market Analysis and Distributor Search in Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand.  Inferno is a world leader in advanced, high-efficiency audio and light security products and is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Inferno have a range…

  • Support Thai Digital Media Agency to establish a branch office in Khon Kaen. 

    Support Thai Digital Media Agency to establish a branch office in Khon Kaen. 

    YAKYIM Digital Media Co., Ltd. is a Thai digital media agency with headquarter in Bangkok, who specializes in digital marketing. They are a full creative production house and digital marketing agency. YAKYIM sees the opportunities in the fast growing economy in Khon Kaen. The business sector and consumers in Khon Kaen is expanding and has…

  • Market Support to a Swedish Mobile Infrastructure company in Indonesia

    Market Support to a Swedish Mobile Infrastructure company in Indonesia

    The Government of Indonesia continues to push national connectivity despite the global economic slowdown and its impact on many developing countries in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia both infrastructure and broadband is among the nations national priorities. The digital momentum in Indonesia shows that the demand for data will grow significantly in the next coming years.…

  • Southeast Asia Brief Macro Perspective

    Southeast Asia Brief Macro Perspective

    In 2017, Asia is once again poised to be the growth engine of global GDP and maybe having even more of an importance as a result of US tightening their international trade relations and abandon the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP. This is naturally having a negative impact on global trade and value chains. However it…

  • Vietnam – Garment, Textile and Leather sourcing

    Vietnam – Garment, Textile and Leather sourcing

    Vietnam is one of the six largest garment exporters to Europe. While China is decreasing its export, Vietnam is rising by 11.46% of market share in 2015, from 10.73% in 2014. Export turnover in 2016 was estimated at USD$ 23.5 billion, increase 3.3% compared to 2015. In 2015, Vietnam exports to EU value $3.36 Billion…

  • Vietnam – Furniture Sourcing

    Vietnam – Furniture Sourcing

    Vietnam is home to more than 2000 furniture manufacturers, where around 15% focus on export. Exports of furniture are increasing from Vietnam with a CAGR of 18.5% during 2010-2015, ranked 6th in the world and 2nd in Asia, after China. In 2015, export value of wooden furniture products was $4.8 BUSD. In 2015, Vietnam contributed…

  • Vietnam – Software Outsourcing

    Vietnam – Software Outsourcing

    Vietnam is now seen as a top 5 of the leading countries in software outsourcing.  “According to World Bank’s 2016 World Development Report, numerous foreign investment funds were eyeing Vietnam as a fertile land for the development of software and digital technology” said Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of FPT Corporation, a leading technology company…

  • Vietnam – Healthcare – Pharmaceutical & Medical Device

    Vietnam – Healthcare – Pharmaceutical & Medical Device

    The Vietnamese healthcare market will double 2014 – 2018. Pharmaceutical Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry witnesses a significant growth within 5 recent years with the average annual growth rate during 2010-2015 is 16.5%. The revenue in 2015 is $4.5 billion USD. Forecasted growth in the next 3 years stands at 16% and the revenue is estimated to…

  • Vietnam – Establishing a Comapny

    Vietnam – Establishing a Comapny

    There are many ways to enter the Vietnamese market. As we know, entering the market means one investor find the way to operate and collect the benefit from a certain area. In order to enter the Vietnamese market, foreigners may conduct some major formation, included: export goods, licensing, franchising, turnkey project, venture and directed investment.…

  • Vietnam – Overview

    Vietnam – Overview

    Vietnam has been one of the fastest growing economies in Asia the past 30 years bringing it from poverty to a lower middle income country. Before Political and economic reforms launched in 1986, Vietnam was one of the poorest in the world, with per capita income around US $100. By the end of 2015, Vietnam…

  • Thailand – Electrical Appliances and Electronics

    Thailand – Electrical Appliances and Electronics

    In 2014, the electrical appliance and electronics industry accounted for 24% of Thailand’s annual export revenues. Thailand is the world’s largest manufacturer of hard disk drive (HDD), a leading country in producing Integrated Circuits (IC), being the world’s 2nd largest producer of air conditioning units (more than 21 million units produced in 2015) and the…

  • Thailand – Creative Industries – Software, Animation & Gaming

    Thailand – Creative Industries – Software, Animation & Gaming

    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development or UNCTAD has introduced the creative industries which are at the crossroads of the arts, culture, business and technology. All these activities are intensive in creative skills and can generate income through trade and intellectual property rights. The Thai government has adopted UNCTAD’s creative economy model, with some…

  • Thailand – Retail & E-Commerce

    Thailand – Retail & E-Commerce

    Thailand is upgraded by the World Bank and become a medium upper income country in 2011. Thai lifestyle is changed; urbanisation, convenience and quality become a new lifestyle. Thai can afford premium/international brands. Shopping mall, departments stores and supermarket are popular place to hang out. E-commerce is also  increasing. Social media is also raising brand…

  • Thailand – Healthcare – Pharmaceutical & Medical Device

    Thailand – Healthcare – Pharmaceutical & Medical Device

    Thailand is positioning itself as a medical tourism hub and aims to be a cost-effective production location for pharmaceuticals and medical device companies. 2.35 million foreign patients from Japan, USA, South Asia, UK, Middle East, ASEAN countries came to Thailand in 2014. Most popular medical treatment is orthopaedics, heart surgery, cosmetic surgery and dental works.…

  • Thailand – Establishing a CompanyThailand

    Thailand – Establishing a CompanyThailand

    Thailand ranked the 46th place on the ease of doing business by the World Bank Group in year 2017. The government aims to bring the Kingdom to the world’s top 20 by May 2017. The government plans to upgrade the efficiency of doing business by approve a business via an electronic registration system so the…

  • Indonesia Overview

    Indonesia Overview

    Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s largest economy with 255 million people and with GDP of  888.5 BUSD in 2014. Despite the economic slow down during 2014 and 2015, Indonesia’s economy was among the top worldwide performers. Indonesia is the only ASEAN country in G20. Solid macroeconomic fundamentals, strong domestic demand and recent upgrades in S&P ratings…

  • Indonesia – Textile and Textile Products

    Indonesia – Textile and Textile Products

    Textile and Textile Products Textile and Textile Product Sector (TPT) is one of the main drivers of Indonesia’s exports. Despite a big drop in terms of GDP contribution, only 12.3 BUSD last year, down 4% from the previous year, the Government is confident that TPT will be able to play a stronger role in the…

  • Indonesia – Entertainment and Media

    Indonesia – Entertainment and Media

    Indonesia’s spending on entertainment and media has grown rapidly although the value is relatively low in comparison to the world, US$10.2 billion vs US$1.8 trillion.  According to Statista and meetings conducted for this study, our respondents agreed that TV is the most common and most popular medium used to reach Indonesians’ attention; it has 95%…

  • Indonesia – Telecom and Mobile

    Indonesia – Telecom and Mobile

    Telecom and Mobile is one of the most prospective sectors in the country and will continue to grow stronger in the coming years. In this section, mobile is the focus, since fixed line is losing popularity because of the declining subscribers. Added with the fact that Indonesia has finalised the national roll out for 4G…

  • Indonesia – E-Commerce

    Indonesia – E-Commerce

    Indonesia’s big cities may be filled with malls but with recent technology development, online shopping has become a major trend in the country. Most Indonesian are shifting their shopping preference from offline to online. Indonesia E-commerce association indicates that the potential for internet transaction could reach higher than US$24 billion., Bukalapak, Elevenia, Tokopedia,,…

  • Indonesia – Healthcare – Pharmaceutical & Medical Device

    Indonesia – Healthcare – Pharmaceutical & Medical Device

    Indonesia’s healthcare spending was the lowest among ASEAN countries, only 3.1% of its total national GDP. However, this figure is about to change along the way with the implementation of Universal Healthcare Coverage which by 2019 where all Indonesians will be insured and have an access to basic healthcare services. See below on the progress…

  • Indonesia – Establishing a Company

    Indonesia – Establishing a Company

    The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is responsible for promoting foreign and domestic investment and approving most project proposals in Indonesia. There are various ways for an investor to set up a presence in Indonesia, depending on the investor’s type of business. Types of legal presence for foreign direct investment in Indonesia are: Based on Ministry…

  • Doing Business in ASEAN – What to think of?

    Doing Business in ASEAN – What to think of?

    As one of the strongest economic communities in the world, ASEAN offers huge opportunity with potential customers of more than 620 million and the AEC that increase the region’s integration into the global economy. However these benefits are not yet evident in all AEC countries, international companies have to be prepared of unexpected challenges during…

  • Thailand Overview

    Thailand Overview

    Thailand is the second largest economy in Southeast Asia, after Indonesia. It has been ranked among the top 46th in the world and the third among ASEAN countries on the ease of doing business by the World Bank Group. Moreover, geographically, Thailand situated in the middle of ASEAN with excellent infrastructure, Thailand has a potential…

  • Thailand – Automotive and Parts Business Opportunities

    Thailand – Automotive and Parts Business Opportunities

    Thailand is the biggest automotive manufacturer in Asia and the 10th biggest in the world. There are 1,657 automotive parts manufacturers and total 2,237 factories, most of them are SMEs (2014). There are approximately 2,400 automotive suppliers in the country, 709 of which are original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). 78.8% of Auto Parts export is OEM…

  • The ASEAN Economic Community

    The ASEAN Economic Community

    The aim of AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) blueprint 2015 is to achieve economic integration across ASEAN to establish ASEAN as both a single market and a production base with free movement of goods, services, investment, capital and labor, in order to take over the role of largest factory of the world after China. AEC Key…

  • Green Technologies Trade Mission to Vietnam – November 8-11

    Green Technologies Trade Mission to Vietnam – November 8-11

    The mission will include sector experts presentations, invidual B2B meetings and a three-day business exhibition at our European Pavilion held on 9 – 11 November, 2016 in Ho Chi Minh City Sectors: Energy Efficiency, Water Management, Renewable Energies, Waste Management Once your company is selected, you will benefit from the below services: The program: Important…

  • Pharma & Medical Device Market Analysis & Distributor Search

    Pharma & Medical Device Market Analysis & Distributor Search

    Tick Tock Consulting conduct a Market Analysis and Distributor Search in Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand for Pharmacure, a Swedish company developing Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Device. The rapid improvement in living standards and increasing disposable income in Southeast Asia is changing consumers purchasing power and habits. There is a change in diseases from communicable to…

  • Tech Company Thailand Market Entry Support

    Tech Company Thailand Market Entry Support

    Tick Tock Consulting give second opinion, identify additional publishers and arrange meeting program in Thailand for a Swedish Tech company  Media houses and publishers in Southeast Asia are experiencing a rapid growth in the demand for online availability of their editorial content, both written and video, to further engage the audience. The availability and quality…

  • Market analysis and manufacturer search for a leading children toys brand/manufacturer

    Market analysis and manufacturer search for a leading children toys brand/manufacturer

    The manufacturing of children toys and other low tech manufacturing is moving from China to Southeast Asia, including plastic-, wooden-, textile- and soft/plush toys. The company is a leading Swedish children toy brand/manufacturer with globally well-known brands and with a long history of manufacturing high quality toys, dating back to the 1940-ties. The discussions –…

  • EVBN Healthcare Trade Mission to Vietnam

    EVBN Healthcare Trade Mission to Vietnam

    15 European companies will be selected to the Healthcare & Medical devices Trade Mission to Vietnam. Market info: Key facts: The Trade Mission include, among other things: Dates: September 20-23* Fee: 1 890€* *Please contact us if you are interested and need more information or want to register for the business mission. You can also…

  • Tick Tock Consulting and The Nordic Business Council of the Philippines (NBCP) enter into partnership

    Tick Tock Consulting and The Nordic Business Council of the Philippines (NBCP) enter into partnership

    Promoting Nordic and Baltic Business in the Philippines – NBCP & Tick Tock Consulting enter into partnership Tick Tock Consulting is staring a partership with Nordic Business Council Philippines (NBCP) to assist our Nordic and Baltic clients on the Filipino market. It makes it possible for us to deliver all of our services in the…

  • Tick Tock Consulting is starting a partnership with EU Vietnam Business Network

    Tick Tock Consulting is starting a partnership with EU Vietnam Business Network

     Tick Tock Consulting is starting a partnership with EU Vietnam Business Network to help European companies further and enable them to participate in official business EU delegations. These delegations are open to all European companies and are highly subsidized with high level official meetings, business matchmaking and networking opportunities. We see this as a great…

  • Maritime Business Mission to Indonesia (Jakarta & Surabaya) September 25-29.

    Maritime Business Mission to Indonesia (Jakarta & Surabaya) September 25-29.

    As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia’s maritime sector is a major driver of the national economy. Understand the potential within the Maritime Sector Four days of business opportunities* Dates: September 25-29* Fee: 1 400€* *Please contact us if you are interested and need more information or want to register for the business…

  • Tick Tock Consulting is starting a partnership with EU Indonesia Business Network

    Tick Tock Consulting is starting a partnership with EU Indonesia Business Network

    The EU-Indonesia Business Network (EIBN) was initiated in August 2013 as a five-year program co-funded by the European Commission, and is the product of a partnership between EKONID, EuroCham Indonesia, IFCCI, INA, BritCham, EUROCHAMBRES and CCI Barcelona. The aim of the EU-Indonesia Business Network is to enhance and diversify trade and European business investment in…

  • Stakeholder- and Opportunity Mapping for engineering company in Vietnam and Indonesia

    Stakeholder- and Opportunity Mapping for engineering company in Vietnam and Indonesia

    Tick Tock Consulting conduct a stakeholder- and opportunity mapping and analysis in Indonesia and Vietnam on behalf of a Swedish and Swiss engineering company with international operations. The demand for transport infrastructure and operational capabilities and expertise is rapidly increasing in South East Asia, where two strongly developing counties are Vietnam and Indonesia. Projects are…

  • Assembly Plant Establishment Analysis in Indonesia and Vietnam on for a Global Finnish Industrial Company

    Assembly Plant Establishment Analysis in Indonesia and Vietnam on for a Global Finnish Industrial Company

    The rapid urbanisation in Southeast Asia is putting pressure on infrastructure developments and the need for taller buildings for work, living, leisure and recreation. The demand for smart movability solutions to improve people flow within buildings and in urban areas are therefore increasing rapidly. The Global Finnish Industrial Company, specialised on movability and people flow…